In the first video of the cybersecurity cycle, we tackle some of the common myths and misconceptions about cybersecurity, with a focus on personal responsibility - or lack thereof.

The main takeaways from the video include:

There is nothing I can do to prevent getting hacked, so why bother?

  • While it might be nearly impossible to protect oneself from seasoned hackers or organizations, this does not mean we can’t do anything to ensure some level of protection.

  • Employing simple steps, and adopting the right habits when it comes to safe data handling and cybersecurity makes a huge difference.

We don’t save anything worth stealing on PCs so a breach wouldn’t matter

  • People tend to be relaxed and not care too much - unless they personally have been a target of hacking!

  • There is always something worth stealing from our devices – whether we value it or not.

  • Treat all data as valuable, and be especially mindful with who you share your most sensitive information.

Being hacked is no big deal!

  • Oftentimes, being the victim of a cyber-incident might not seem like such a big deal - however, any incident can bring more long-term issues when it comes to your digital presence and data.

  • Always take all cyber-incidents seriously, and be thorough when addressing the underlying issues that allowed them to occur.

Watch this video on our YouTube channel to find out more how to take your cybersecurity more seriously:

Goce Arsovski (North Macedonia) is a cybersecurity consultant, author and Master Trainer. Focused on social engineering prevention & mitigation, Goce applies his subject-matter expertise in guiding organizations and high-risk individuals in establishing and maintaining a more secure digital presence. Goce is passionate about open data, transparency, and demystification & democratization of learning.

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